Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Portrait of Marshall Mathers

This is the final version of my portrait of Eminem. I choose to depict him on a pill bottle because in recent years Eminem was addicting to prescription sleeping medication which nearly cost him his life. Since then he has had a full recovery and continues to make music and run his record label. For my approach, i wanted to it to look as real as possible and also have a sad and lonely feeling to represent the darkness of addiction. I decided to make a simple background in order to place the emphasis on the pill bottle in the foreground and keep the attention on Eminem. To make the pill bottle i used a combination of the pen tool and the line segment tool to create the the outline and then filled it in with the appropriate colors. To make Eminem's face i created a full page of text and placed it over and art board with a gray scale picture of his face and used a clipping mask to trim the text. After that i went in and manually changed the boldness of select areas to create a more realistic look. My original idea was to make the words in his face a variety of keywords that represent his attitude, music and past. After making multiple versions of his face i decided to go with the more simple version that only has the word "Eminem" because its clarity was much better than the other and i wanted the viewer to know right away what they were looking at.
The version on the left is the one i decided on for multiple reasons. First, the one on the right is much lighter even though i used the exact same technique for both. In addition, the left face better holds its structure when you look at it up close compared to the one on the right.
Above is my reference photo.

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