Thursday, November 21, 2013

Finished Illustration of information graphics

This is my final version of the Christoph Hitz piece done for class. (on the left) and the original ( on the right).

I decided to do one more by piece but this time by the illustrator Janusz Kapusta.  I did this piece very quickly and loosely to try to imitate the hand drawn aspect of the original picture. I only used the paintbrush tool and the mouse to hand draw the whole thing.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Information Graphic Assignment

The picture on the left is my progress so far on this assignment and will eventually look like the picture on the right. To create the cell phones i used simple shape tools to make the basic outline and used the pen tool to make some of the more curvy lines. My next step is to recreate the woman in the cell phone screens. I have not decided yet what method i will use to do this but it will more than likely be a combination of the pen tool and blob brush.

The Original artist for this piece is Christoph Hitz. His website is  ans features his portfolio and other work. Hitz is primarily an illustrator with a very distinctive cartoony style. Hitz's website also features his work in typography and webdesign using Adobe Flash.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Finished Wordplay project

This is my final version for the wordplay assignment. Since my last post i have made a few changes to improve the piece. The first thing i did was remove the red lines on the bottom of the letter forms as to create a more believable feeling of sinking. Next, i slightly increased the width of the letters and added in the circling seagulls. My last addition was to add the sun into the background to add a sense of depth to the piece. The majority of the poster was made with the pen tool and blob brush but i also used the pathfinder tool, text tool, gradient tool and the shape tool and draw inside option.

Close up of seagulls

Thursday, November 7, 2013


This is my first draft of the wordplay assignment that i made in class on tuesday. I plan to play with the type's size and color to make the word seem heavier. I also want to experiment the orientation of the individual letters and add in birds circling above.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Word Play Assignment

The word I pulled from the bowl was "sink". My first thought was something that sinks would usually be in water so i sketched out ideas that have a water aspect or environment. I really like the idea of having a lower case "i" sinking because it resembles a person bobbing at the surface and gives the sketch a sense of personification. I still want to play around with the remaining letters to see if capital or lower case is more effective. I drew the shark infested waters around the word sink because if you were in that situation you would be sinking literally and your stomach would "sink" from fear.